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    المنتج السعر الكمية المجموع
× عرض رشاش المياه العملى لغسيل السيارات و سبراي تجديد تابلوه السيارة 350,00 EGP
350,00 EGP
× افوميتر 600 فولت TOTAL 470,00 EGP
470,00 EGP
× شنيور 1 بطارية 12 فولت DWT 1.220,00 EGP
1.220,00 EGP
× مسدس مياه و فوم 4 فى 1 مسدس مياه و فوم 4 فى 1 369,00 EGP
369,00 EGP
× اداة Snap Kit المحمولة اداة Snap Kit المحمولة 215,00 EGP
215,00 EGP
× • " ماسك الموتوسيكل العجيب" 250,00 EGP
250,00 EGP
× قلم الميكروبيلدنج الثابت 190,00 EGP
190,00 EGP

Cart Totals

إجمالي سلة المشتريات

المجموع 3.064,00 EGP

شحن إلى EGC.

الإجمالي 3.129,00 EGP

Delivery & Return

My order hasn't arrived yet. Where is it?

How can you evaluate content without design? No typography, no colors, no layout, no styles, all those things that convey the important signals that go beyond the mere textual, hierarchies of information, weight.

Do you deliver on public holidays?

To short sentences, to many headings, images too large for the proposed design, or too small, or they fit in but it looks iffy for reasons the folks in the meeting can’t quite tell right now, but they’re unhappy, somehow.

Do you deliver to my postcode?

How can you evaluate content without design? No typography, no colors, no layout, no styles, all those things that convey the important signals that go beyond the mere textual, hierarchies of information, weight.

Is next-day delivery available on all orders?

To short sentences, to many headings, images too large for the proposed design, or too small, or they fit in but it looks iffy for reasons the folks in the meeting can’t quite tell right now, but they’re unhappy, somehow.

Do I need to be there to sign for delivery?

How can you evaluate content without design? No typography, no colors, no layout, no styles, all those things that convey the important signals that go beyond the mere textual, hierarchies of information, weight.